Wednesday, September 05, 2018

PLC Schedule tomorrow – School dismissed @ 12:00 o’clock



Congratulations to the following Students who received perfect attendance for the entire month of September:


Thank you for displaying a true Knight spirit by being accountable.  Remember, Knights do their job and own their actions.  You have accepted to be responsible and come to school every day.  You manage your time in a positive manner so that you can get where you need to be.  We will celebrate your efforts today during lunch with a pizza party. 



Those who are participating in the volleyball tournament please plan on practicing volleyball at lunch; the tournament is in nine days.



 Are you wondering about what college to go to after high school? Or wondering, which college is right for me? College Night is the place to be, Monday, September 10th!   Please see Mr. Marquez TODAY at lunch for a permission slip form!


 The Teen Parent Group is meeting today during 3rd period in the cafeteria.


Returning students, it is important that you turn in a signed Internet Permission form in order for you to continue to have internet access. Signed forms need to be turned in by Friday, September 14. Pick up a form in the office.


Juniors and Seniors: If you are interested in applying for Quest for Success please see Ms. Ramirez for an application and more information. Remember you must have at least a minimum of 95 credits and 80% attendance in order to qualify.



Students: Community Service opportunities are now available! Remember that every 12 hours of community service can earn you 1 elective credit.  For more information, please see Ms. Ramirez.  Sign up today!



Lunch today: salsa chicken bowl, cheese pizza, spicy chicken sandwich, bean & cheese burrito, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, veggie burger.



Quote of the day:  “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”  --Thomas Edison



Positive affirmation of the day: “I learn from my challenges and always find ways to overcome them”