
Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Congratulations to the following students for having perfect Attendance last week: (list of names)

please come to the office during break or at lunch to pick up your treat! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to not only being at school every day, but being on time as well!


Nueva will be hosting its College and Career Fair today during lunch.


The Teen Parent Group will be meeting Wednesday, May 2nd, during 3rd period. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Marquez.


Any student who currently has a permission slip form for Dr. Wheat or Mr. Furtado, please make sure they are turned in by this Wednesday!


100 extra credit points towards your math grade for positively participating in our college and career day today.     Mrs. Guerra


ROC Next Year: If you were accepted to ROC for next year, you should have received a confirmation letter in the mail that you parent needs to sign. You need to turn that form to Mrs. Elias to confirm your registration. See Mrs. Elias if you have questions.



Lunch today: orange chicken & rice bowl, turkey & cheese sandwich, chef’s salad, fiesta burrito, BBQ Bacon cheeseburger, veggie burger, spicy chicken sandwich.


Quote of the day: “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”  --Confucius


Positive affirmation of the day: “I see the beauty in others”