Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Cell Phone Reminders:
Knights, as a reminder, cell phones are off and out of site during the class period. Knights show that they are accountable by accepting responsibility for their actions and by observing campus policies and procedures.
Be a Knight.
Knights, there are a number of field trip opportunities coming up including The Museum of Tolerance on May 9, Health Careers at the “F” Street Center on May 10, Sequoia National Park on May 15, and the senior trip to Santa Monica on May 22.
Knights exhibit respect participating positively in class, on campus, and during school activities.
Knights build trusting relationships and their confidence by more openly engaging as part of the Nueva family.Knights demonstrate a growth mindset by believing they can learn and grow by stepping outside of their comfort zone. Also, Knights think for themselves and think outside of the box.
Be a Knight.
Seniors and staff: If you would like to order a jersey, the sign-up sheet is in the office. Jerseys are $30.00. If you want your name on them it is an additional $5.00. We currently only have 3 jerseys ordered, but must have an order of 12 by April 30th. All money is due at that time.
 Knights, we will be welcoming our community on campus next Friday during our Cinco de Mayo Open House celebration. Let’s show them how Knights RULE by being Respectful and communicating civilly towards each other, build trusting relationships with our guests by welcoming them on campus and being accepting of one another.
Prom will be on Friday, May 11th from 6-9 PM if you were absent or left early on Friday, please stop by and see Ms. Ramirez during break or at lunch for your invitation. All students are welcome and Prom is FREE. This year’s theme is Country Nights. Please see Ms. Ramirez or Mr. Weir if you have any questions. Let’s show a positive Growth Mindset by trying something new and stepping outside of your comfort zone and participating in an after school activity with your Nueva Family. If you plan on attending, please RSVP with Ms. Ramirez. We hope to see you there!
Campus Life Club will be meeting today during lunch.

Lunch today: orange chicken & rice bowl, turkey & cheese sandwich, chef’s salad, fiesta burrito, BBQ bacon cheeseburger, veggie burger, spicy chicken sandwich.


Quote of the day: “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall


Positive affirmation of the day: “Everything works out for the best possible good”