Thursday, December 10, 2020



Did you Know: Human Rights Day on December 10th annually seeks to honor the adoption of the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Representatives from different cultural backgrounds all over the world drafted the UDHR. Once the United Nations formed, it was one of its first significant achievements. The UDHR contains a preamble along with 30 articles that discuss specific human rights. The entire document discusses universal values for all peoples and all nations.


Today in History: Wyoming grants women the right to vote

December 10, 1869, Motivated more by interest in free publicity than a commitment to gender equality, Wyoming territorial legislators pass a bill that is signed into law granting women the right to vote.


A HUGE SHOUT OUT to our Knights who made Perfect Attendance for the months of September, October, and November! Check out our Instagram page and our website for a short clip and our lists you can share with your family and friends!


Be on the lookout for our Nueva Staff as we tour the streets of Arvin this Saturday starting at 11 AM to bring you some holiday cheer! Make sure to come out and wave safely from your homes. Check out the map on our Instagram page to see if we will be coming by your home.


Quote of the day: “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” -Dr. Seuss


Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at nueva_high_school_news