Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Did you Know: Each year around this time, friends and families begin mailing their holiday cards. Christmas Card Day on December 9th serves as a reminder to get your stamps, envelopes, and cards together so you can share your holiday cheer.


Today in History: Smallpox is officially declared eradicated

On December 9, 1979, a commission of scientists declare that smallpox has been eradicated. The disease, which carries around a 30 percent chance of death for those who contract it, is the only infectious disease afflicting humans that has officially been eradicated.


Be on the lookout for our Nueva Staff as we tour the streets of Arvin this Saturday starting at 11 AM to bring you some holiday cheer!  Make sure to come out and wave safely from your homes.

Check out the map on our Instagram page to see if we will be coming by your home.


Quote of the day: “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” (Buddha)


Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at nueva_high_school_news