Tuesday, December 8, 2020



Did you Know: Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day on December 8th encourages us step from our Tardis or flip open our Omni while wearing clothes from the past. At the same time, we should act appropriately, confused by certain technology.


Be on the lookout for our Nueva Staff as we tour the streets of Arvin this Saturday starting at 11 AM to bring you some holiday cheer! Make sure to come out and wave safely from your homes. Check out the map on our Instagram page to see if we will be coming by your home.


Today in History: John Lennon shot John Lennon, a former member of the Beatles, the rock group that transformed popular music in the 1960s, is shot and killed by an obsessed fan in New York City.


Quote of the day: “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” -Benjamin Spock


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