Wednesday, November 18, 2020

NATIONAL EDUCATION SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS DAY! Did you Know: Annually observed on the Wednesday during American Education Week, National Education Support Professionals Day honors the contributions of school support employees. These support professionals provide invaluable services and are essential partners in the children’s education process. The day honors a long list of professionals who keep schools running smoothly. They include all secretaries, classroom aides, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, bus drivers and the others that support educators, school leadership, and the students, too. These professionals do their part in making public schools great for every child so they can be safe, learn, grow and achieve.
Send us a shout out for one of our support staff members on Instagram! We’ll post your message
Today in History: Railroads create the first time zones
At exactly noon on this day, American and Canadian railroads begin using four continental time zones to end the confusion of dealing with thousands of local times. The bold move was emblematic of the power shared by the railroad companies. Most Americans and Canadians quickly embraced their new time zones, since railroads were often their lifeblood and main link with the rest of the world. However, it was not until 1918 that Congress officially adopted the railroad time zones and put them under the supervision of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Quote of the day: “Appreciation can change a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” – Margaret Cousins
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