Monday, November 9, 2020

Did you know: On November 9, National Louisiana Day recognizes the state that
brought us such treasures as Jazz, Creole and American Mardi Gras. In 1803,
Louisiana became territory when the United States completed negotiations with France
for the 828,000 mile Louisiana Purchase. The first of 15 states to be carved out of the
region, Louisiana entered the United States in 1812.

On November 09, 1989,
One of the ugliest and most infamous symbols of the Cold War was soon reduced
to rubble that was quickly snatched up by souvenir hunters. The East German
action followed a decision by Hungarian officials a few weeks earlier to open the
border between Hungary and Austria. This effectively ended the purpose of the
Berlin Wall, since East German citizens could now circumvent it by going through
Hungary, into Austria, and thence into West Germany.
Quote of the day: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone
else's life."  -Steve Jobs

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