Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Did you know: On September 23rd, National Checkers Day (which is also known as Dogs in Politics Day) recognizes political pooches or candidate canines, First Fidos, or Revolutionary Rovers. More dogs than presidents have lived in the White House. While this day marks the day in history that Checkers the dog stole the spotlight, many other powerful pooches found their way to center stage.
Today in History: Planet Neptune is discovered
Neptune, generally the eighth planet from the sun, was postulated by the French astronomer Urbain-Jean-Joseph Le Verrier, On September 23, 1846.  He calculated the approximate location of the planet by studying gravity-induced disturbances in the motions of Uranus. 

Attention Students

Miss Cervantes’ 4th and 5th period Physical Science classes, you must come and pick up your materials this Friday between 2 and 3 PM in the quad.  Please call Ms. Ramirez in the office at 845-1532 to verify you will be here. 

Be sure to stop by and see Mrs. Jackson and Sergio for lunch pick ups. You can now come and see them Monday through Friday, from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm! Meals are available to all children ages 2 to 18.
Quote of the day: “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”  -Paul Coelho 
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