March is Women’s History month
Women’s History Facts
Scientist: Marie Curie, a Polish scientist, made an indelible mark on the world we live in today. Her research on radioactive substances lead to great discoveries—but tragically, they came at a dire cost. She was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel prize, discovered Radium, helped create the first-ever ambulances, and saved the lives of countless soldiers during WWII.
Curie never once patented her discoveries, deciding that her findings were for the betterment of humanity, and not personal profit. It’s believed that the aplastic anemia that killed her was caused by her long-term exposure to radiation during her research.
There will be a Leadership meeting 3rd
Lunch today: chicken drumstick w/mac & cheese, turkey & cheese sandwich, bean & cheese burrito, cheeseburger, spicy chicken sandwich, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, veggie burger.
Quote of the day: “First principle: never to let one’s self be beaten down by persons or by events.” --Marie Curie
Positive affirmation of the day: “Joy is a healing choice and I choose it for myself now”