Friday, November 18, 2022



Mrs. Elias has requested grade checks from all teachers.  Any potential December grad that is failing a class or not current on APEX will be removed from the graduation list.  Another grade check will be done at the end the first week of December, and if the student is back on track they will be added.  Take advantage of the week-long break to catch up and be current in all your classes.


BC will be here on December 13 to work with our seniors on their application process. 


Nueva High School

Operation Gratitude

Join us as we honor the service of our Veterans. We are collecting “Wish List” items to donate to Operation Gratitude, the non-profit organization that sends care packages to our Military members. Please help say thank you for their courage and sacrifice to serve.  Bring donations and/or write a thank you card, bring to Room 5 by Friday, November 18th.

Wish List items are on the flyers posted throughout Nueva’s campus.

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich, Bean & Cheese Burrito, Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich. 

Quote of the day:  “The power of determination will make you unstoppable.”  -Jean Charest