Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Students: Seniors, FAFSA at Nueva will be tomorrow from 4:30- 6:30 pm.  See Mrs. Elias if you have any questions.

Students: - JUNIORS, Remember to sign up for ROC/CTEC this week to save a spot for next year!!

Students: PODER GIRLS, Please turn in your permission slip to Mrs. Elias or Mr. Marquez as soon as possible to save your spot.  

If you need a permission slip for the December 1st conference, please see Mrs. Elias today.  Permission slips are due by Monday, only three spots left.


Veteran’s Day Donation Campaign

Nueva High School 

Operation Gratitude

Join us as we honor the service of our Veterans. We are collecting “Wish List” items to donate to Operation Gratitude, the non-profit organization that sends care packages to our Military members. Please help say thank you for their courage and sacrifice to serve.  Bring donations and/or write a thank you card, bring to Room 5 by Friday, November 18th.

Wish List items are on the flyers posted throughout Nueva’s campus.

Quote of the day:  “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”  -Bryant H. McGill