Wednesday, April 7, 2021

National Walking Day!

Did you know: The first Wednesday in April is National Walking Day and it encourages Americans of all ages to get out and stretch their legs and get their hearts pumping. Let’s celebrate and at some point in the day, take a 30-minute walk.



Today in History: Lewis and Clark depart Fort Mandan

The journey was more difficult and slow than Lewis anticipated. The expedition actually spent the winter of 1805-06 along the Pacific Coast, and Lewis did not finally meet with Thomas Jefferson in Washington, D.C., until January 1, 1807.



Keep America Beautiful


Litter has far-reaching consequences. Doing our part to keep trash off the streets means we also protect oceans and waterways.



Quote of the day: "If we wait for the meek to inherit the earth there won’t be anything left to inherit”—Bob Hunter



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